2005 Subdivisions
Last Updated 06/24/2006
(by Ferg.)

"New" Subdivision Maps / Phases for the 2005 Tax Year that do not require
Additional Revisions, will be "Posted" to Site & "Entered in Database" as soon as possible.

Maps / Subdivisions are available for "Download" If Links are "Active".

2005 Tax Year
New Maps / Phase's etc.
District Map Number Entered in
*  University Town Centre  *
Tracts 1-3 & 5-9


Map 15c Yes (13) Parcels
Ashton Townhouse Estates
Townhouse X - Units A, C, D, & E
Townhouse XII - Units 56, 57, 58, 59, & 60
Townhouse XIII - "Block" for Units 61-67
Townhouse XIV - Units 68,69,70,71, & 72
Townhouse XV - "Block" for Units 73-77


Map 3b Yes (16) Parcels
Walnut Ridge Estates
Adding  Lot 1
and Lot 2
(Are Now Mapped)


Map 13c Lot 1 - Yes
Lot 2 - Yes
(2) Parcels
Adding  Lots 3, 5, 7, G & H

*  Woodglen  *
Lots E & K

Splitting  Lot 9
Created Parcel (9.1) then Voided, See Maps 13d & 13e for Details.




Map 13e

Map 13f

Map 13d

Yes (5) Parcels

Yes (2) Parcels

Yes (1) Parcel

Dupont Heights
Adding Phase II Lot Nos. 11-26
Parcels (11-26)
Grant Map 13c Yes (16) Parcels
Monongalia County
Schools Foundation Inc.
Parcels (3 & 3.1) to Existing Tax Map 6b
Parcel (3) extends onto * New * Map 6c
Grant Map 6b
Map 6c
Yes (2) Parcels
*  Autumn Ridge  *
Unit Nos. 171 - 203, 205, 207 & 209
Morgan Map 4x Yes (36) Parcels
"Cool Tract" Plan of Lots
Adding Lot Nos. 4 & 4A, 5,  6 & 6A
Morgan Map 4u Yes (3) Parcels
*  Diamond Ridge  *
Lot Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14,
16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23 & Tract "A"
Morgan Map 17b Yes (14) Parcels
Adding (Odd) Units 131-149 Phase VI
Parcels (58-67)

Adding (Even) Units 122-140 Phase VII
Parcels (68-77)

Morgan Map 4t Yes (20) Parcels
*  Morningside Phase I  *
Lots 1-22
Morgan Map 11u Yes (22) Parcels
*  Northpointe Phase I  *
(Odd) Unit Nos. 111-139
Morgan Map 4y Yes (15) Parcels
Pierpont Heights
Adding Unit Nos. 4A, 4B, 5A-5E,
2001-2004 & Lot Nos. 13-17
Morgan Map 7d Yes (19) Parcels
Rhinewood Estates Phase 2
Adding Lots or Parcels 13-18
Parcels (1.16-1.21)
Morgan Map 11t Yes (6) Parcels
*  Suncrest Towne Centre  *
Lots U & V
Morgan Map 4w Yes (2) Parcels
Sunridge Townhomes
Adding (Odd) Units 11-21 Phase II
Parcels (12-17)

Adding (Odd) Units 1-9 Phase II
Parcels (18-22)


Map 4v

Map 4v
Yes (6) Parcels

(5) Parcels
*  The Residences At Waterfront Place  *
Unit Nos. 1401,1502,1506,1603 &
14th, 15th & 16th Floor Common Areas
(Located in Lot No. 3 of the Waterfront Place Complex)
1st Ward
Map 37b Yes (7) Parcels
Tin Mill Crossroads
Adding Lot E
(Sterling Faucet Property)
6th Ward
Map 44a Yes (1) Parcel
*  The View at the Park  *
(.4178 Ac. Parcel, 52 Units and Common Areas)
3rd Ward
Map 28b Yes (59) Parcels
*  Avery Meadows  *
Lots or Units 1-26, Areas 1 & 2
Union Map 23m Yes (28) Parcels
*  Baker's Pointe Townhomes  *
Unit #'s 1 & 3
Union Map 12d Yes (2) Parcels
Adding Lot Nos. 70, 74, 68,
64, 53, 67, 35, 77, 72, 61 & 81
Parcels (51-61)
Union Map 12c Yes (11) Parcels
Clear Spring
Adding Units 21-24 Phase III
Parcels (21-24)
Union Map 20e Yes (4) Parcels
Fairway Villas
Phase II - Bldg No. 1  (1A & 1B)
 & Courtyard 1AB
Phase III - Bldg No. 11  (11A - 11F)
Union Map 14n Yes (9) Parcels
Four Seasons
Phase 3, Phase 1  &  2 "Revised"

*  Four Seasons Phase 3  *

*  Four Seasons Phase 3  *
"Splitting" Unit Nos. 42 & 60



Map 22a

Map 22b

Map 22b

Yes (26) Parcels


Yes (51) Parcels

Turtle Creek Village  Phase I (Revised)
Revising Parcels (13-15) & Voiding 16
Union Map 23L Yes (3) Parcels
West Point Townhouse Estates
Adding Unit Nos. 5-14
Union Map 21d Yes (10) Parcels
2005 Tax Year
New Maps / Phase's etc.
District Map Number Entered in
2005 Subdivision List
Tax Map and Parcel Totals
(13)  * New Tax Maps * Drawn up in AutoCad have created (251) Parcels.
(18) Existing Maps Updated in AutoCad adding New Phase's etc. created (165) Parcels.
24 Additional AutoCad Tax Maps have been Updated in Various Districts creating
(36) Parcels but do not meet the standards to be Posted to this List.

(452) Parcels have been Mapped so far on 55 AutoCad Tax Maps for the 2005 Tax Year.

If Parcels are in the Database, "Map Link" on Database Pages will access that map.

"New" Subdivision Maps / Phases for the 2005 Tax Year that do not require
Additional Revisions, will be "Posted" to Site & "Entered in Database" as soon as possible.

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